Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020, 8(27): 13-20
UDC 338.483 (479.22)
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689/2020/8(27)/2

Otar Paresishvili
PhD in Chemistry,
Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU
Laura Kvaratskhelia
PhD in Chemistry,
Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU
David Gamezardashvili
PhD in Chemistry,
Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU
Valentina Mirzaeva
Center Studying Productive Forces and Natural Resources of Georgia of the GTU
Abstract: The article, through the example of Georgia, examines the problem of efficient using natural-recreational resources in the context of responding to the global challenge of 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic. In difficult conditions, methods are being developed to solve the problems associated with the disease. After acute phase of the disease, patients have to undergo a long-term rehabilitation in order to recover functioning impaired organs and systems of organism. Health-improving practices based on natural-recreational factors would hasten and improve recovery process. Georgia has high potential for the development of the mentioned sphere. For a long time, natural factors of Georgia have been used for therapy, preventive care and rehabilitation of people; there are many world-famous health-resorts in Georgia. The authors propose to use available medical-rehabilitation potential for those who had COVID-19. Positive effect on patients may be made by health-improving measures used in Georgian resorts such as active and passive climatotherapy, air and sun baths, spa treatment, mineral water drinking, bathes, inhalations, mudtherapy, etc.
The article analyzes Georgian resorts based on the main medical factors as well as in regional context. Based on the nature of resort resources, regional features and other factors, the territory of Georgia has been divided into 12 resort and recreational areas, differing in their specialization and structure of medical institutions. A summary table contains brief physical-and-geographical characteristics and medical factors of the most popular Georgian resorts along with provided methods of treatment and therapeutic indications. It is emphasized that there is no need to completely reorient existing healthcare facilities, they will be function in the ordinary course, and to serve post-COVID-19 patients special programs will be drawn up. Taking into consideration a great number of COVID-19-patients throughout the world and numerous disease-induced complications, the article proposes to intensify using available natural-recreational potential for rehabilitation purpose and to establish international contacts and experience exchange in this sphere.
Key words: COVID-19 pandemic, rehabilitation, therapeutic factors, natural-recreational resources, tourism.
Language version: Russian

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Article publication date: 2020
Date of online version: 2020